Started on 18 — 016 Hours

Physics of Sound:

-> Waveform characteristics

-> Pressure characteristics (nodes,antinodes,mechanical waves, reflection and diffraction etc)

-> Formulas (wavelength, period, peak/rms)

-> Harmonic content, phase, acoustic envelope etc.

-> Understanding dB formulas and reference values: dBSPL, dBV, dBu, dBm. Log table will be provided. Proper units must be used.

-> Fletcher-Munson equal loudness contour, phons and other other psychoacoustics topics: combination tones, beat frequencies, masking etc.

-> Factors involved in localizing sound

-> Perception of Space topics: Characteristics of Early Reflections, Reverb and the time factors involved

Studio Acoustics:

-> Standing Waves and Room Tuning

-> Concepts of “coupling/decoupling”, structural borne oscillations (Floating floors, risers, staggered studs, dual-pane glass etc)

-> Transmission Loss, Absorption Coefficients, Average Room Absorption Calculation, Room Modes, Diffusors, Quarter Wavelength Traps, Functional Traps and Reverb Time calculation [RT60]


-> Microphone design types: dynamic, condenser, ribbon + How do these design characteristics influence their operation/output/directionality

-> Microphone characteristics: polar patterns, transient response, frequency response, proximity effect, equivalent noise rating, overload characteristics

-> Phantom power, direct boxes and impedance conversion

-> Microphone/cable impedances and their effect on things like cable length, electrostatic and electromagnetic interference

-> Differences and advantages/disadvantages between balanced and unbalanced cables

-> Microphone placement strategies: mono, stereo and surround

-> Microphone PreAmps

Physics & Math
Applied Recording
Science Factor
Core Concepts

Learn to master fidelity in your recordings and be ready for better mixing by studying sound in the realm of physics, how it moves into perception via psychoacoustics and the nuts and bolts of digital and analogue systems.

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